The Path To Law School

Aspiring lawyers at John Jay can access many resources and opportunities to help them prepare for law school such as the Pre-Law Institute and the Law Society Club.

The Pre-Law Institute provides aspiring lawyers with real-world experience and support in various ways, including LSAT preparation courses and networking opportunities with lawyers.

Former college President Jeremy Travis founded The Pre-Law Institute in 2006 after realizing how many students went to John Jay hoping to enter law school upon graduation. The development eventually became known as the Pre-Law Institute and Center for Post-Graduate Opportunities to help all students. These organizations were founded to support students seeking admission to law school or graduate school programs.  

Advisors help students with a step-by-step process of applying to law school and provide them with the necessary tools they may need during this process.

 Jerylle Kemp, J.D. Associate Director for Outreach and Engagement in the Office of Academic Affairs, expressed her passion for interacting with students, guiding them in making informed choices about their future, and equipping them with the necessary resources.

The Pre-Law Institute’s website offers prep programs for aspiring lawyers such as Cornell University’s Pre-Law Program, Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Florida State Law School’s Summer for Undergraduates Program, and Latino Justice/Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund: LAWbound

The Pre-Law also publicizes law student organization groups, available to undergraduates such as the: National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, the National Black Law Students Association, and National Latinx Law Student Association.

Along with the Pre-Law Institute, the Law Society is a student-run organization at John Jay that provides additional support to aspiring law students. 

The Pre-Law Institute and Law Society club often work together to help students make the decision to attend law school after graduating. There are many factors to take into consideration when applying, such as one’s career goals, law school requirements, costs, and time commitments. 

Jasmine Lawton, President of the Law Society club, expressed that law school can be a stressful process for those who don’t know where to begin.

 “Many students are interested in going to law school but do not know where to start, how to go about the process, and it can be intimidating because it is a daunting task and we just want to be there to help,” said Lawton.

There are no expectations or commitments to joining the Law Society. Students can choose which events they wish to participate in and attend meetings at their discretion. 

The Law Society provides members with discounts on different exam preparation programs such as Kaplan, Princeton Review, and Blueprint. There will be various LSAT events to help students with other sections of the exam or come up with a study plan throughout the course of the Spring 2023 semester. 

On March 31st, John Jay hosted Law Day, where students contemplating applying to law school attended workshops such as Law School Admissions Panel, Financing Law School Workshop, Mock Law School Class, LSAT Success Strategies, and more. 

Miriam Zayed, a junior majoring in Political Science, explained why she joined the Law Society. 

“I decided to join the club after learning a lot through the school’s resources that I felt so many students did not know about,” said Zayed.

Law school hopefuls may explore the Law Society’s offerings by following their Instagram page. On Instagram, the club will announce their meetings, answer any questions, and post about upcoming events for students to attend.

 Elizabeth Broccoli, J.D. Associate Director Of the Pre-Law Institute and Center for Post-Graduate Opportunities, shared the mission of the Center. 

“The Pre-Law Institute at John Jay College is dedicated to empowering students, especially those underrepresented in professional and academic fields, with the guidance, tools, and skills necessary to succeed in their chosen postgraduate pathways,” said Broccoli. “Through our array of programs, we provide students with academic skills, professional exposure, and preparatory experiences, enabling them to become strong candidates for law or graduate school programs.”

Students can schedule a meeting with a pre-law advisor by emailing [email protected].